Thursday, December 1, 2011


Tonight I attended a small group of moms, with which I've been getting together with twice a month, for the past four months.  Tonight the topic of submission within marriage came up, and it made me start to think - "What does the Bible say about submission and how can we as wives marinate in God's teachings to us?"

Here's my thought:

Submitting to your husband's leadership in marriage isn't hard if you marry the right kind of man. If you trust that your husband has your best interests in mind and lays aside his own needs to love you sacrificially—the way Christ loved the church—why would you not submit to him? This is God's ideal: you and your husband both committed to putting the other one first in love. A wife is to think of her husband's needs first, and a husband is to model Christ's sacrificial love by serving his wife.

If your marriage is less than ideal and your husband doesn't always love you with sacrificial love, remember you are also married to Jesus Christ; he is your first love. Jesus laid aside his rights as God to become human so he could bear the penalty of sin in your place. Just as Christ loves us even when we don't show our gratitude for what he did, we are still called to put husband first, even when his love is not so perfect. Love covers a multitude of sins, and some days it may be your husband who's loving his not-so-grateful wife.

How do you respond to the word submission, and why?

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