Sunday, December 11, 2011

Long time, no blog...

What do you get when you live in Florida during the Christmas season or during the winter season?

Lots and lots of visitors!  Yeah!

Sorry for my lack of blogging this week - we were enjoying visiting with my parents.

This week I am back though - our next guests won't be arriving until Christmas Eve.

What are your plans for Christmas this year?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"One Hand Only"

For those of you that need a boost of encouragement today...

A few days ago, the kids and I were hanging out in the living room. I was sitting on the couch watching them all perform “tricks” for me, which appeared to involve various feats of balancing themselves on the furniture or the floor in some creative way. “Mommy, wook at me!” Jessica invited as she balanced herself with her head, both hands, and only one foot on the floor. She extended her other leg up behind her.

Immediately, the other kids tried to imitate her. Her trick wasn’t that hard for them, so I decided to throw in a little twist. “See if you can balance with only one hand on the floor,” I challenged them. “Not the other hand, and not your feet.”

They tried for about half a second before Kenny sat down on the floor and said, albeit cheerfully, “I can’t do that.”

“I’ll twy,” Jessica said. I watched her try a little longer before giving up and sitting down.

At that point, Lindsey, who had been trying the whole time, turned herself upright and looked at me. “I did it for a little while,” she said.

What a fantastic illustration of the responses we sometimes give to God when He asks us to do something. Take motherhood, for example. God asks us to parent a child going through a difficult time, or a special needs child, or simply a child who won’t sleep through the night. We try for half a second and then say, “I can’t do that.” We’ve failed. It won’t work, so there’s no use trying.

Or perhaps we’re willing to try a little longer. Perhaps we don’t mind attempting to parent three kids ages three and under. “I’ll try,” we say, but we soon find it difficult, and we give up and sit down. “This is just too much,” we say. “God’s going to have to lighten my load.”

The third response is the best. We simply get to work, and we try to the limit of our endurance. When strength is gone, we say, “I did it as long as I could.” Not “I failed,” but “I succeeded for awhile.”

Make no mistake about it. We all will come to the end of our endurance. God knows that, and He doesn’t count it as failure. Failure is when we look at the evidence in front of us, and we don’t try, because we just don’t see any way it will work in the first place. Or failure is when we give up too soon.

That day in my living room, I didn’t help my kids balance as I told them to. Had I helped, they would all have succeeded. That’s the point. When God asks us to do something, He will help us. Why then do we ever refuse to try, or ever give up? We know we have His help. God never calls us to do something He won’t help us to perform. So knowing that we have His strength and wisdom to get us through, why would we ever consider doing something other than availing ourselves of the help He has stands ready to give? Then, like Lindsey, we could try to the limit of our endurance. The only thing is, our endurance would go a whole lot farther, because we would be operating in His strength.

In whose strength are you fulfilling your calling as a mother? Are you taking advantage of God’s strength, or are you relying on your own?

Parenting is hard and exhausting at times. Believe me, I know. But when we call upon God instead of trying to balance on one hand and our own strength only, we will make it. Not we might; we will.

Psalm 28:7—The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

by Megan Breedlove -

Originally published on November 14, 2011.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Tonight I attended a small group of moms, with which I've been getting together with twice a month, for the past four months.  Tonight the topic of submission within marriage came up, and it made me start to think - "What does the Bible say about submission and how can we as wives marinate in God's teachings to us?"

Here's my thought:

Submitting to your husband's leadership in marriage isn't hard if you marry the right kind of man. If you trust that your husband has your best interests in mind and lays aside his own needs to love you sacrificially—the way Christ loved the church—why would you not submit to him? This is God's ideal: you and your husband both committed to putting the other one first in love. A wife is to think of her husband's needs first, and a husband is to model Christ's sacrificial love by serving his wife.

If your marriage is less than ideal and your husband doesn't always love you with sacrificial love, remember you are also married to Jesus Christ; he is your first love. Jesus laid aside his rights as God to become human so he could bear the penalty of sin in your place. Just as Christ loves us even when we don't show our gratitude for what he did, we are still called to put husband first, even when his love is not so perfect. Love covers a multitude of sins, and some days it may be your husband who's loving his not-so-grateful wife.

How do you respond to the word submission, and why?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Henry John Heinz

I read this this morning in a short devotional that my church hands out, and knew I wanted to share it with all you amazing moms out there for my second "official" post.  Enjoy!

At age 6, Henry John Heinz began helping his mother tend the small garden behind their family home.  At twelve, he was working three and a half acres of garden, using a horse and cart for his three-times-a-week deliveries to grocery stores throughout the city of Pittsburg.  He went on to found his own company and named it 57 Varieties.  The Henry John Heinz Company was incoporated in 1905, and today, over one hundrend years later, it sells more than thirteen hundred products worldwide, ranging from ketchup to baby food.  But there are other things you need to know: Henry John Heinz loved Jesus and was deeply involved in the promotion of Sunday school in Pittsburg and around the world.  His company was noted for pioneering safe and sanitary food preparation and for being ahead of its time in employee relations.  He provided free medical benefits swimming and gymnasium facilities, and promoted women to positions of greater responsibility, making them supervisors.  He earned a reputation for enhancing the working and living conditions of his workers.  In his will, Henry John Heinz said: "I desire to set forth at the very beginning of this will, as the most important item in it, a confession of my faith in Jesus Christ as my savior.  I also desire to bear witness to the fact that throughout my life, in which there were unusual joys and sorrows, I have been wonderfully sustained by my faith in God through Jesus Christ.  This legacy was left to me by my consecrated mother, a woman of strong faith and to it I attribute any success I have attained.

"Her children rise up and call her blessed."  Proverbs 31:28

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The beginning...

So here you have first ever blog post!  So exciting!  

For all those moms out there that are looking for free, unsolicited, scripture, advice, tips, suggestions, deals, coupons, etc., you have come to the right blog.

I look forward to connecting with you and sharing all my curly "MOM"ents!